sobota 20. srpna 2011

Billy - GIFS (Nightmare is here again)

It´s very soon ya? Muahahaha. But I want them HERE. Now :3


WAit for just Scream gifs n__n
Yours Jackal´s.

Billy - GIFS

Cause I luv Billy from Scream movie, here are some gifs with him ♥

středa 17. srpna 2011



I´m obsessed of it! Rick Astley made amazing song. I just wanna tell ya. I´m actually really obsessed of listening. LOVE IT. 

Do you know rickrolling? Try it.

neděle 19. června 2011

Jackals love ero lolita

Some people think that ero loli is perverse and I don´t know what another. That ero lolita is not lolita. but I think that ero loli can be really, but really amazing and beautiful. I qould like post here some ladies in ero loli outfit to show you that this style can be very interesting and not perverse, just sexy. To start I want to show you my top favorite ero loli picture. Be interested and enjoy this post! ♥

1. This outfit you will love. I don´t know who is it but it´s my top favorite ero loli picture. So interesting and sexy, aahh. i want to have her clothes ♥ I think it´s amazing.

2. This is very beautiful too. Is not as sexy as outfit number one, but it´s still ero lolita and it´s nice! Is here anythink perverse? I don´t think. I want her clothes, I want, I want! This is really interesting.

3.  This is showing us that ero lolita can be cute and crazy too ♥ I really like it, the ladie have style, really! She´s nice, isn´t she? :) Yeah, it´s little bit sexy, but really cute and crazyy :) She´s amazing. Amazing style. Clothes that I want to have!! 

For this day it´s all. Sometime I can add another pictures of ero-rories which I like, do you want? I think that lolitas on these pictures don´t look like b...., but cute and beautiful ♥ Ero lolita is not perverse, but beautifu ♥ So, this is end of that post, i hope you liked it and post a coment please :) love you bye.

                                          Your Jackals

P.S.: Please, if you found here your photo, write me it to the coment, I will add your name (or website too) to the post and I will be happy if I will know who you are :) Thanks ♥

čtvrtek 19. května 2011

Edward Cullen OR Edward Sullen?

Edward Cullen -  The Twilight
Edward Sullen - Vampire Sucks (Tupíři in czech)

Who is better?

My vote have Edd Sullen :D I don´t like Edward Cullen- I don´t know why, but he is not as nice as   E.S. :D But I don´t like his actor. I don´t know his name, but I don´t like him as same as his role. i think :D

And what about you? Do you like E.C., OR E.S.? Vote please, write comment ,)

 Edward Sullen (Vampire Sucks)

Edward Cullen (The Twilight saga)

VOTE PLEASE! Ehm, and... Do you want article about Vampire Sucks (Twilight parody)? :)

                                                                                                        Bye bye, your Jackal´s 

čtvrtek 12. května 2011

You must here it! alias I´m listening

Here are some songs, which I actually really love! Do you know songs, which you must sing all the time, all the time, all the time, all the time... I must sing THESE songs. Uhm, sorry for my inactivity, i want to be more active here! I want to add some dresses and somethink like that ♥ Ok, here are those song :) Enjoy please!

Lady Gaga - Judas
Lady Gaga is really my idol - I want to be like her, I wanna take internet fame with crazy style and crazy songs. Ok, let´s speak about song. The video is SO NICE! :)  I like it and song too. I really love this part: "I´m just a holy fool, oh baby he´s so cruel..." It´s so amazing! I can´t stop sing it ,) And you can see, LG have got very interesting and nice voice - specially in "I bring him down..." :)  Do you like this song too?

Rihanna - S&M
 I can tell you one thing - I love Rihanna.  She´s amazing! Ok, what can I tell you about song... Uhm, music video is interesting, but I think it´s little bit perverse :D Ok, I must tell you, that little bit perverse is lyrics too, but... I love it. Chorus is so amazing that I don´t believe my ears! You must hear this song! What do you think about song? And about lyrics?

Laurent Wolf - No stress
I really don´t know nothing about authors but I know one thing - this song is AMAZING! Lyrics is nice and the song, aww :D I think you remember it from last summer, is it true? It was very popular I think.. I love it now too :D I like this phrase "I don´t wanna work today" We want it too! :D  What do you think?

Backstreet Boys - Everybody
 Love it. Love it. Love it. You don´t think it´s amazing!? Aww... This is my most favourite song. Its awesome! I sang it with Bety for Maid Cafe karaoke :D It was fun. So, i like it. video is interesting too. I don´t know much about lyrics, so I can speak about it... But you must hear and watch it!! Do you like it too?
 Lady Gaga - Born this way
She is so original! I love love love Gaga. I really love this music video, song, lyrics... I love Gaga. Lyrics is very inspirative. Music video is awesome and very original. And song... I don´t have words. It´s problem to me describe her perfection after one hundred times :D Don´t be a drag, just be a queen! What do you think about this song and about Gaga´s originality?
 Kana - Hebi ichigo
Kana is: Lolita, beautiful, Japanese, awesome and... i don´t know what! She´s a princess. I love her and this song is... amazing! Some people don´t like Kana´s voice, but I do. I think she is amazing and nice person and this song too. I can´t  find music video with much quality. I´m sorry. But I think video is very nice, lyrics too (moreover, I can sing it! :)) and Kana... aww! Do you like Kana´s voice? What do you think about song?

Ok, that´s all, children ,) Now you know what is Jackal´s listening and you have new favorite songs (or not?) ,) If you like this (and other) article, please, check my site next time. You can "like" my site too - add me to favorites (look right). I want to add next article soon and be more active :)

                                                                                                        Youre Jackal´s

Do you like these songs?
What is your favorite song?

pátek 29. dubna 2011

Kate´s prince, my prince

Kate is now married with prince William. I watched their wedding in English lesson, our teacher is very good :) Kate had very very nice dress and William and Harry had very nice uniform x) So Kate have her prince now! 

I think, they are very nice doublet :)) Kate vas very beautiful and William handsome, muahaha :D I would like watch movie about they - William and Kate - but my brother want to watch ice-hockey TT_TT So I must wait for DVD or downloads on internet :) But i saw start and it looked very nice :) 
Kate have her prince, but what about me? Lucky Catherine, but what about Jackal´s? Is there any prince for me too? :/ :D Why prince Charles didn´t think about me?! WHY?! :D Ehm, I must marry prince Harry now. He is nice, but Williem is nicer XD Never mind. But there is one problem. Harry is older than me about 13 years! Ehm, never mind, never mind. I want to be lucky Harry´s princess.
Yes, that´s ME! I want make it real :/ We are nice doubles, huh? ,)) It´s from Mícikoli. She´s very clever :))
 I think this is very ncie photo. I want to meat Harry in real. When I will 20, I would like marry him. Kate is younger than William too, and never mind! ,)
How is better? On first, we are more near. I like both - on first we are more near, on second we are more watching to our eyes. I just don´t know :D This is my prince. In 20 I will study with him like kate with William. 

Awww! i want to have prince too X( Why is Harry so old and William´s son will be so young? What about me, prince Charles, what about me?  I can only dream about prince X(