neděle 19. června 2011

Jackals love ero lolita

Some people think that ero loli is perverse and I don´t know what another. That ero lolita is not lolita. but I think that ero loli can be really, but really amazing and beautiful. I qould like post here some ladies in ero loli outfit to show you that this style can be very interesting and not perverse, just sexy. To start I want to show you my top favorite ero loli picture. Be interested and enjoy this post! ♥

1. This outfit you will love. I don´t know who is it but it´s my top favorite ero loli picture. So interesting and sexy, aahh. i want to have her clothes ♥ I think it´s amazing.

2. This is very beautiful too. Is not as sexy as outfit number one, but it´s still ero lolita and it´s nice! Is here anythink perverse? I don´t think. I want her clothes, I want, I want! This is really interesting.

3.  This is showing us that ero lolita can be cute and crazy too ♥ I really like it, the ladie have style, really! She´s nice, isn´t she? :) Yeah, it´s little bit sexy, but really cute and crazyy :) She´s amazing. Amazing style. Clothes that I want to have!! 

For this day it´s all. Sometime I can add another pictures of ero-rories which I like, do you want? I think that lolitas on these pictures don´t look like b...., but cute and beautiful ♥ Ero lolita is not perverse, but beautifu ♥ So, this is end of that post, i hope you liked it and post a coment please :) love you bye.

                                          Your Jackals

P.S.: Please, if you found here your photo, write me it to the coment, I will add your name (or website too) to the post and I will be happy if I will know who you are :) Thanks ♥

1 komentář:

  1. Можно я использую фото с вашего сайта для своей статьи? Я пытаюсь установить классификацию стиля Лолита.
    Это же у вас фото Ero Lolita? Это правильно?
    Заранее спасибо. :-)
