čtvrtek 19. května 2011

Edward Cullen OR Edward Sullen?

Edward Cullen -  The Twilight
Edward Sullen - Vampire Sucks (Tupíři in czech)

Who is better?

My vote have Edd Sullen :D I don´t like Edward Cullen- I don´t know why, but he is not as nice as   E.S. :D But I don´t like his actor. I don´t know his name, but I don´t like him as same as his role. i think :D

And what about you? Do you like E.C., OR E.S.? Vote please, write comment ,)

 Edward Sullen (Vampire Sucks)

Edward Cullen (The Twilight saga)

VOTE PLEASE! Ehm, and... Do you want article about Vampire Sucks (Twilight parody)? :)

                                                                                                        Bye bye, your Jackal´s 

2 komentáře:

  1. I am a big fan of Edward Cullen. He is sweet, I like his actor and I hate parody, so I dont like Sullen. Book Twilight is the best thing what I've ever read, so I hate when someone makes parody to it... It's embarrassing.

  2. edward sullen! he's funnier and hotter (although the pics you gave to compare is not fair. cullen is not as pale as it is in the movie)

    both have different personalities. if you like someone that is serious, than you would prefer cullen. im more to funny dudes. GO SULLEN!!

    love from malaysia<3
