čtvrtek 28. dubna 2011

Harry Potter and the mystery of enlarging the briefs - perversely, but funny

Harry Potter and the mystery of enlarging the briefs. Muahaha :D "Harry Potter a tajemství zvětšujících slipu" - this is the original name of czech Harry Potter parody. It´s actually overdubbed original movie.
Sometimes is the dabing so bad, that I don´t understand what are characters saying. But much of the movie is ok.

This is very perversely parody and there is not scene, in which  is not some rude word. This movie is not for your parents (:D) but it´s very funny in some parts. My brother downloaded it yesterday so we saw it. You can watch it on youtube, but it´s better when you download this parody on ulozto.cz

For example, this scene made ​​me laugh:
 (final scene, Harry pulls the Philosopher's Stone) Voldemort: No stone, slips!

If i have to judge this movie with percents, I give 69%. It´s funny, but sometimes  it´s boring and sometimes is dabing very poor. 

You can download this parody here (first part): ulozto.cz and second part here: uloz.to , but  it´s just in czech. 
 Did you see this movie too? Please, write your judgement (:D) into comment. Thanks :)

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