čtvrtek 28. dubna 2011

"Hello!" from Jackal´s sister

Hello! This is not my only blog, I´ve got second on blog.cz but I would like to start with this blog on blogspot. I don´t want to delete my old blog, I like it, but I want this blogspot for sending post which I can´t add on my blog.

Ohhh it´s difficult I know :D So I want to answer some questions which you sure have :D So i can start.
Who are you? I´m Jackal´s sister, sometimes called Shika too. No, I´m not jackal. I´m human ,D I´m Slovak but I would like to write posts in English.
What can I read in your posts? I wanna post mainly movies, books and soemthing like that. Sometimes I can add some outfit, advices and others. But it can turns!

Hmm just 2 answers :D Do you have another?  Please, write it into comments! Thank you. Please check this site next time :)


P.S.: I´m sorry for mistakes in English but I just learn it :)

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